From care and the cleaning to revision: With these tips, your watch such as seen in NGG Timepieces (เอ็น จี จี ไทม์พีซ which is the term in thai) will last (almost) forever
Maintain Watches Properly
The expectations of a valuable watch are high. In contrast to the vast majority of everyday objects – whether a car, coffee machine, or smartphone – the owner usually hopes that the watch and wearer will enter into a lifelong relationship and, in the best case, that future generations will still enjoy it. According to this understanding, a good timepiece has the task of being timeless in the truest sense of the word, or at least of functioning timelessly. And many chronometers have the very best prerequisites for giving pleasure for eternity and three days. But as with espresso machines, leasing vehicles, and iPhones, even the best watch cannot do without care and attention.
Watch Care: The Basic Rules
First of all, it is essential to define your expectations: How do I want to use my watch? Do you want them to look like they’ve just been taken out of a jeweler’s showcase when you retire? Or is it perfectly fine to look at the time spent with the watch and the days, months, and years shared? In collector forums, people like to speak of the “daily rocker” when it comes to those models that can withstand something that is not only worn protectively under the shirt cuff or the sleeve of a cashmere sweater. Over the years, they become even more popular and grow fond of the heart as they develop a patina of small scratches. Rolex steel models, for example, are widely regarded as the quintessential premium daily rockers.
Clean Watches Properly
Whoever loves their watch also bathes it nowadays. Especially on models with metal bracelets, all sorts of dirt accumulate more quickly than slowly on the clasp and between the individual bracelet links. Therefore, it is worthwhile regularly soak waterproof models in lukewarm water with mild soapy water and then clean them with a soft toothbrush. If you want to be particularly thorough and conscientious about everything, we recommend a bath in an ultrasonic cleaner. In this case, it is strongly recommended not to clean the entire watch but to separate the metal bracelet from the case and bathe it alone. The ultrasonic band works wonders on the bracelet, but the ultrasonic waves can pose a danger to the case with its crown or bezel. The safest (and also cheapest) way is to go to the jeweler where you bought the timepiece: as long as you don’t show up at the door every other week and the watchmakers’ patience is overstrained, most of them consider an ultrasonic bath to be a simple one way of customer care.
On the other hand, Leather bracelets are in no way suitable for bathing applications. But various home remedies help eliminate the smell of sweat, which leather bracelets that have been worn intensively sooner or later often take on: For example, you can leave a thin layer of baking soda on it for a few hours. Processing with a vinegar solution can also help here. Or you can use (shoe) cleaning agents for leather.